Do it yourself with these great tools
The process of becoming your best self sounds simple. Just clarify your core values and align your actions with those values. But that can sometimes be challenging. So, we have gathered a group of powerful, evidence-based tools to help. Pick an area where you need help and find a tool that works. All tools are free!
CLARIFY the values that are most important to you.
ASSESS how how well yor actions line up with your values in key areas of life.
PLAN actions that align with your core values in any area of your life.
MOTIVATE yourself to keep going.
The first step is to clarify the values that are closest to your heart - your core values. Try one or more of the tools below.
Via Character Strengths
WHAT: This is an online survey designed to assess the strengths that influence how you think, feel, and behave. The VIA has been taken by millions of people and is the base for a substantial body of research.
HOW: Try approaching decisions, goals, or problems by working with your top strengths in mind. You may see better progress and experience more satisfaction when you intentionally use the strengths you identify.
The Values Card Sort
WHAT: Values Card Sorts are a hands-on way to rank values. Create your own card deck with post-it notes or old business cards. Then sort them into piles from least to most important.
HOW: A card sort allows you time to think about the values and tweak the rankings. The tool below has a list of values and a set of questions to ask yourself about why these values are your most important, and how to be more true to them.
WHERE: : https://www.guilford.com/add/miller11_old/pers_val.pdf?t=1
Human Values Test
WHAT: Eminent values researcher Shalom Schwartz identified the ten values domains that you can see in the boxes in the graphic above. Many research studies have shown that they group together just as they look in the graphic.
HOW: Take the Human Values Test below to locate where your values are strongest. Then, examine the map above to locate the specific values within the domains where you want to be most active.
WHERE: https://www.idrlabs.com/human-values/test.php
Uncover Your Guiding Principles
WHAT: Your Guiding Principles allows you to identify your key personal principles. It includes suggestions, or you can customize your own set of principles. You can also use the tool to brainstorm ways to act on your guiding principles.
HOW: In addition to helping you clarify your own guiding principles, this tool also helps you remember your principles and consider how to use them. You can get a poster of your personal principles to keep them in sight.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/uncover_your_guiding_principles.html
If you now know your core values, you can use one of the tools below to assess how close you are to living according to them.
Take Aim with the Values Bullseye
WHAT: The Bullseye is a dartboard graphic that lets you assess how close you are to the mark in acting on your core values. There are four domains: work, leisure, personal growth, and relationships.
HOW: Once you have identified a core value, the bullseye helps you assess your progress toward it. The exercise linked below also offers the opportunity to identify obstacles and make plans to overcome them.
WHERE: Click here.

Discover Your Values History
WHAT: This tool is designed to allow you to learn from your past. You start with a personal core value and write the story of a time in your life when that value was prominent.
HOW: Choose this tool if you enjoy reflection or journaling and you want to work on one important value. You will be able to analyze your own history to identify useful elements that you can use to create a new chapter.
WHERE: Values History Exercise
Measure Your Areas of Valued Living
WHAT: The Valued Living Questionnaire lists 12 areas of life and asks you to assess how important each area is for you. Then you can rate how much you have been acting on your values in any area.
HOW: This tool can help you figure out where you are doing well in living your values and where you might work. We recommend clarifying a core value then using this tool to help you find the area(s) where you want to act more strongly.
WHERE: https://stevenchayes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/The-Valued-Living-Questionnaire.pdf
When you have identified core values and targeted areas for change, these tools can help set goals and make plans to act like your best self.
Set An Effective Goal
WHAT: This tool is based on the work of Piers Steel, an expert researcher on procrastination. It takes you through ten steps for setting goals you can reach.
HOW: To make this tool work, you need to start with an idea of something you want to accomplish that is consistent with your core values. The tool will help you develop a strong plan to reach a big goal.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/goal_trainer_ct.html
Achieve Your Goals
WHAT: Living by values is a life-long adventure that often has long-term goals. Start your adventure with this tool that helps you create a detailed plan, schedule each step, and get email check-ins to keep you on track.
HOW: You need to have a values-consistent goal in mind to use this tool effectively. An added features are exercises to keep you motivated and focused.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/achieve_your_goals.html
Find a Cause that Matches Your Values
WHAT: This tool can help you identify a cause that aligns with your values and beliefs. It helps you identify organizations that are effective in achieving the missions that you believe in.
HOW: This tool is for people who know that they want to make a difference but are not sure how. It asks questions that you may not think to ask. You can use it to consider how you want to direct your money or your energy.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/what_causes_match_your_values.html
Clear values and plans are necessary. But what if you get stuck? Here are some tools to keep you going toward becoming your best self.
Listen to The Hero Next Door
WHAT: The Hero Next Door is a podcast hosted by Marilyn Fitzpatrick. Each episode features an interview with someone who is doing something for the world. Then, an expert offers science based insights into the story and ideas for how to develop qualities like the hero.
HOW: The podcast was developed specifically to motivate listeners to act on caring values. Tune in to find inspiration when your motivation to be your best self is flagging.
WHERE: https://open.spotify.com/show/5oovbK3zGGQ6EEYwphZAmO?si=3c86a58bca68464d
Write Your Eulogy
WHAT: This exercise is a journey into the future imagining how you want your life to be remembered. This version asks you to write two eulogies: one that makes you proud and one that makes you cringe.
HOW: For many, letting go of the demands of the daily grind helps them to imagine their best self in action. For others, recognition that their best life is not the one they are living gives the kick in the you know what that they need.
WHERE: https://attunedpsychology.com/writing-eulogy-help-live-life-want-right-now/
Edit Your Bucket List
WHAT: This is not just a list of things you want to do before you die. To make it a best-self tool, you also rate each item on your list for how much it contributes to helping you create a meaningful life.
HOW: Like the eulogy, the bucket list reminds us of our mortality. Life is finite so the time to act is now. This tool helps motivate you to do things with the greatest impact on becoming your best self.
WHERE: http://www.drmwinters.com/2014/03/meaningful-bucket-list-exercise/
Overcome Emotional Obstacles to Doing Good
WHAT: Emotions have an impact on our ability to act in a caring way. This tool offers insight on how your emotions may be hindering you, and strategies for making deliberate decisions to help others.
HOW: If you have identified core values and set goals to act on them but are not making progress, this tool could help. You can identify the biases that prevent actions from having a positive impact and learn to overcome them.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/emotional_obstacles_to_doing_good.html
Set Your Intentions Well
WHAT: This tool is based on research on implementation intentions, sometimes called if/then rules. It helps you link a behavior you want to increase to something that happens regularly in your life.
HOW: The tool is designed to bridge the gap between having positive intentions and acting on them. If you have identified values-consistent behaviors but you seldom remember to act on them, if/then rules can help.
WHERE: https://programs.clearerthinking.org/program_yourself.html